9 Easy Tips For Yummier Food Photography

Since smartphones and digital cameras became common tools for everyday life, food photography (sometimes called fontography) has been a popular trend. This interest is growing, with both experts and enthusiasts becoming more creative with their shots, which receive positive feedback from their social media followers and connections. This trend is also being used by food establishments to increase their marketing. Online contests and campaigns that encourage customers to upload photos of their food are a great way to increase visibility and interest in the business.

To be able to take delicious-looking and appealing food photos, you don’t need to be in the food business or professionally photograph. You can try different foods if you live in a place that allows it, or if you have friends who are passionate about food photography. These are the fundamental principles of good food photography that I found to be effective and helped me take great photos for my eyes to feast upon.

These are the 10 Best Tips for Food Photography

1. The best lighting is natural daylight.

Natural shadows and light can add depth to an image. Avoid direct sunlight as it is too bright. Instead, you can take photos by the window where light is filtered slightly and flows in from only one source point.

2. Use a neutral background.

The focus should be on the food, not the surroundings. You can download an app to blur the background if you are taking photos in a busy restaurant.

3. Consider the impact of color contrast.

All components should complement each other. You want the colors to look natural and pop together.

4. Learn some basics of food styling.

To fill in space or create negative space, move dishes and other items. The plate or table can be viewed as a landscape in which some items enhance height, depth, or highlight unique shapes.

5. Find the best angle possible for your subject.

The best angle for plated dishes is from the top. This gives you a complete view of the subject. Beverages, cakes and other tall food items are different. But, you shouldn’t be shooting directly above your subject. Instead, focus on the points that capture the light best and highlight the true colors of your food. You shouldn’t be afraid to take photos, especially if your smartphone is used. You’re sure to find the perfect shot with all of the shots you take from various angles.

6. For a better composition, leave some negative space.

This will help draw attention to the various shapes and lines of your subject. You don’t have to place the subject in the middle of the frame. You can experiment with the placement of objects to find the best result.

7. Try the “whole and part” shot.

It’s very appealing to see a piece of a large cake or a portion of pasta hanging from a packed dish. These images signal that the food is ready to be consumed and encourage the viewer to try the food.

8. Incorporate a human element.

To show that food is more than just visual pleasure, include your arm or hand in this shot.

9. Tell a story.

This tactic works well for food photography if you are familiar with home staging. Because food is presented as an experience, creating a scene can make it more appealing. Imagine someone relaxing in a cozy corner with a book, tea, and a slice of pie. What could anyone not want for a day like that?


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