Love cosy mornings? Add a quirky breakfast nook in your kitchen!

Whether or not you are a morning person doesn’t have any connection with the laziness you feel during the early hours of the day. You surely don’t feel like socialising during this time and definitely not dining in a formal way. Well, maybe that’s the reason someone invented the breakfast nook! If you’ve heard about this phrase for the first time, let us tell you that a breakfast nook is a small corner in your kitchen, much smaller and less formal than your dining table set-up that’s especially dedicated to cosy meals – and of course, breakfasts.

Tips to add the best breakfast nook in your kitchen!

Loved the idea of a breakfast nook in your kitchen? Then the next time you go for a home or kitchen renovation in Auckland, contact Reef View Construction Ltd and tell them about your plan. They’ll consider dedicating an area especially for this purpose in your kitchen. Since they are so experienced and excellent in this field, they know exactly what it requires to add an ideal breakfast nook in your kitchen. But in case you require the tips right now, then we are happy to help.

  • Corners are the best nook — You already know that nook means corner. So, if you have a spare corner in your kitchen, you can always dedicate it to your breakfast nook. Often we see that all the corners in your kitchen are wasted. There wouldn’t be any other best way to utilise this place brilliantly in your culinary space than an adorable spot for cosy meals.
  • The height can be just like your kitchen counter — You need not stress upon keeping the breakfast nook higher than your kitchen counter. Ideally, a breakfast nook can be just as informal as you love it. So, you can also keep it of the same height as that of your kitchen counter.
  • Natural light makes it more charming — You can always create a fascinating breakfast nook that is sun-kissed. Just place a nice table overlooking your garden or near the kitchen window and enjoy a lovely morning with your dose of vitamin D and a fresh view.
  • Be as quirky as you like — When it is your dining table, you go by a formal template with formal furniture and opulent furnishing to welcome guests. But since it is your personal breakfast nook, it can be as quirky as you like. You can keep colourful chairs along with a glass table or simply opt for a wooden table and cushioned benches. You can even add a nice hanging lamp above this table and keep a vase full of fresh flowers daily to make you smile every morning.

Did you finally have the best solution to spend your cosy mornings in a lazy way? Well, of course that is why breakfast nooks are considered as the favourite corners by most people globally. So, now even you can join the bandwagon!

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