How often do you feel like skipping your breakfast because of limited time to get all the chores done before you leave for office? If it’s even once a week, this post is a must-read for you. It’s a common thought that skipping breakfast will do you no harm when in reality, it can upset your metabolism leading to inactiveness and dizziness all day long. We agree that preparing a lavish breakfast in the morning will take up a lot of your time but who said that you couldn’t be smart about it? A healthy smoothie in the morning is enough to keep you boosted and ready to take on the world on full throttle mode. Do you have any smoothie recipes tucked away somewhere? Well, forget about it anyway because we have precisely what you need. Read on for a healthy life.

1. Banana blueberry smoothie

If a banana is your ultimate go-to fruit, then this smoothie will make your mornings super delicious and healthy for a fabulous start to the day. Blend nuts, bananas, blueberries, yoghurt and milk for a smooth, thick texture and serve it cold. It takes less than 15 minutes to be prepared which makes it a great breakfast option. Don’t forget to garnish it with your favourite nuts and more banana slices for a super filling breakfast meal.

2. Mango raspberry lemon smoothie

What could be better than a yummy blend of mango and raspberry in the morning! To make it one of the yummiest things you eat in the entire day, layer it neatly. Starting with raspberries and yoghurt in the bottom with mango slices, orange juice, mint leaves and lime juice on the way to the top, blend it to perfection. You can enjoy this thick mix on the way to work as well so don’t forget to carry the blended goodness with you. If you crave more mango and raspberries delights, then an instant dessert mix will fix a quick yummy dessert for you any time of the day.

3. Almond Smoothie

Almonds are a blessing for us humans and incorporating it in your breakfast routine will do wonders for your health. For this particular recipe, you need blueberries, bananas, almond milk and butter, protein powder and some dates. Blend it all finely for a thick smoothie mixture which is delicious, time-saving, nutritious and the perfect on-the-go breakfast option at the same time.

4. Orange protein smoothie

For the workout enthusiasts who juggle their work and workout routines every day without any scope for a healthy breakfast, orange protein smoothie is a quick and delicious option. With oranges and bananas as an excellent nutrient source, blend in yoghurt for a smooth texture. Add some honey to taste and protein powder to kickstart your morning with a heavy dose of nourishment.

5. Blueberry spinach smoothie

Don’t go by the name because this is a power-packed drink which is filling and high on energy to help you take on the world in full throttle mode. It takes five minutes for preparation and blending, and less than a minute to gulp down your throat. This is one of the healthiest smoothie options which is high on antioxidants, fibre, manganese and vitamins to keep you happy and energetic all day long.

6. Strawberry banana Oatmeal smoothie

This one is more like a dessert in the morning which makes it even more popular. Blend in oat milk, soaked oats, strawberries, bananas, honey and vanilla and your morning dose of good health and fitness is ready to be served. However, if you are in an extreme hurry in the morning, then try a strawberry smoothie recipe which takes less than two minutes to make.

Skipping breakfast won’t help you in any manner which makes it a mandate to add eating breakfast in your regular morning to-do list. Try a different recipe every day without getting bored of the same smoothie flavour. Also, feel free to experiment with other fruits and vegetables to create some smoothie mixes of your own. Good luck!

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