Homemade Mayonnaise with Grapeseed Oil

I’m probably a little late to the mayonnaise-making craze but I only recently discovered how simple and tasty this is to make at home. Who knew?

Julia Child’s Mayonnaise Recipe is a classic and one of the types of recipes that just sounded too fussy for me to even give it a go; however, I was flipping through one of her cookbooks and saw her commentary on simple mayonnaise and thought I should at least give it the old college try. Honestly, now that I know how easy it is to make at home, I will never again be purchasing commercial mayonnaise. A food processor and a few ingredients is all you need plus you get to control the ingredients which is very important to me. I prefer organic, whole food products and no preservatives so this is right up my alley.

Unrefined, organic grapeseed oil is my fat of choice in most of my recipes so I decided to use it here, too. So funny that my mayonnaise has a green cast to it but I love it. It’s kind of quirky, actually. Obviously, you can use any oil you like but choose a mild-tasting one such as vegetable, canola, corn or even a 50/50 mixture of one of those with some olive oil (olive oil on it’s own would probably be a little overpowering but who knows … give it a try). This recipe is quick and easy so I hope you’ll give it a try if you’ve never made your own mayo.

How to Make Mayonnaise


  • 1 egg, large (room temperature)
  • 1/4 tsp ground mustard
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/8 tsp white pepper
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup grapeseed oil


  1. Place room temperature egg in food processor and blend for about a minute.
  2. Toss in mustard, salt, lemon juice and blend for about 30 seconds to emulsify.
  3. Lastly, stream in the grapeseed oil very slowly through the food chute starting with small drops and then progressing to a steady stream.
  4. Grapeseed oil will produce a slightly green colored mayo which I love; however, any mild-flavored oil will work.
  5. Will last in the fridge for 7-10 days.

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