Top 10 Cooking Tips And Tricks For Working Women

It can be very hectic at work. There are deadlines that must be met, presentations that need to be completed, and large pitches and proposals that need to be made. All this leaves one with little time to even think about cooking. Cooking your own meals is healthier than ordering them from a restaurant or mess service. There are many cooking hacks that will make your life easier and save you precious time, no matter how busy. These are the best cooking hacks to help people who are often busy and don’t have time for elaborate meals. Are People to Worry? Expert Speaks – Watch

1. Prepare in advance

It might seem excessive to plan meals ahead. Who even considers cooking on weekends? Weekends are take-out days, right? Planning can help you when you are short on time. Planning ahead helps you to plan what you will cook during the week. Even better, you can prepare for fancy meals that might be needed later in the week. ALSO READ Steak Cooking Tips: Top 5 ways you can tenderize hard cuts of meat like steak Also read Study: Diabetes Origins May Vary in Men and Women

2. Bake more batter

It is always a time-saver to make extra chapati and puri batter, and then refrigerating it for later. If you love south Indian food, you can make extra batter for Idlis and Uttapams ahead of time and keep it in the fridge for an easy breakfast or snack.

3. Continue to review your stock for bread and spices

Recheck your stock of condiments and spices regularly. You will be able to save time shopping at the grocery store for essential spices each time you cook. If you are a busy cook, bread and eggs should always stay in your refrigerator. These items make it easy to prepare meals. READ ALSO TOP 10 Things to Know

4. Get instant food stockpiled

For occasional meals, instant foods such as noodles, masala oatmeal, and poha can be a great option. You can also make delicious instant food from chicken and potato nuggets. These only need to be deep-fried. You shouldn’t rely on instant food too much as they can be unhealthy if you eat them too often.

5. Get fruits, nuts, and dried fruits in abundance

There will be days when you can’t even afford instant noodles. These are the times when fruits are ideal. Blend a few bananas and berries with milk and yogurt to make a delicious, filling, healthy smoothie. To increase the nutritional value of the smoothie, add a few chopped almonds or cashews to it. For those times when you are working around the clock, nuts and dried fruits make great healthy snacks. These snacks keep you fuller for longer periods of time and help you avoid snacking on unhealthy, salty foods.

6. Induction is the new way to go

Induction is much more user-friendly than a gas stove. First, because there are no cumbersome gas cylinders to worry about. Second, because they are easier to clean and use than a stove. This is especially important for those times when your domestic help suddenly decides to stop working. The nonstick surface makes it easier to clean. It also cooks faster than gas because a lot more heat is lost to the air. READ ALSO 10 tips to remember when cooking Indian dishes

7. Save time by using cooking tools

To chop vegetables such as tomatoes and onions, you can use a chopper or grater instead of a knife. You can save time by investing in innovative cooking and chopping equipment.

8. In bulk, make masala and ginger-garlic paste

A lot of Indian curries and preparations call for basic tomato paste. It is worth making it ahead and refrigerating it for later use. The same goes for ginger-garlic paste. This paste can be used in many vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

9. You can cook more, but you should keep your fridge clean.

You may find that you don’t have the time or money to prepare a fancy meal. If you do, you might make extra portions so that you can heat up leftovers for quick breakfast. Make sure you use the leftovers the next morning. Make it a habit of cleaning your fridge at least once a week to get rid of any food that has gone bad.

10. Follow these cooking hacks

Many cooking blogs, Youtube channels and websites are dedicated to sharing time-saving and efficient hacks. If you want to save time and money while cooking, this is the right channel, blog or website for you. These hacks may not be all that effective, and you will only learn which ones work through trial and error.


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